South Park: The Stick of Truth - Huge Fandub [NEW ROLES ADDED]
Trueblade1423 for Kenny McCormick "Princess Kenny"

Kenny McCormick is the princess at Kupa Keep. He is one of the six playable partners, later the hidden main antagonist of South Park: The Stick of Truth.
Kenny is on Cartman's side of the game/conflict, and you first get him as a buddy when Cartman sends you to rescue Craig. His 'Buddy Command' ability, and power in combat, is to flash his breasts at the enemy, thereby distracting them. Outside of combat this is used to trick enemies into opening pathways which would otherwise be inaccessible.
Kenny is not a major character of the plot until the final fight of the game, where he takes the Stick of Truth for himself, after hearing from Morgan Freeman that he is the true inheritor of the Stick of Truth. Upon being defeated once by the player, he drinks the Nazi Zombie serum, and becomes a Nazi Zombie. From here, the player has to defeat Kenny three more times (he revives to full health each time) before it is decided that you must break the "gentleman's oath" (not to fart on a man's balls), and finish him off with a fart spell.
Kenny returns to normal after this and Butters says that Kenny's blaming it on PMS.
[muffled] You got the brass key!
[muffled] No! Fuck you! I'm the true heir to the stick of truth!
[muffled] OH MY GOD!
(Feel free to improvise)