The Baptized: VA and Staff Casting
Richard Gibson for 020 Daijun Yoda
Personality: Daijun is charming and suave. He isn’t trying to manipulate or anything. He has no ulterior motive. People just find him attractive. He is a good-willed young man who cares a lot about the benefit of the group. He works as sort of an anchor for the group and he is always up for a heart-to-heart chat. He is very good with people and a very introspective person. He would only kill if he absolutely had to, taking lives is not something he enjoys at all, no matter the person. He is an inspiration to a good amount of other characters and works as sort of an unintentional leader for them, compelling them to keep going even when things get tough. He is thoughtful and kind and one of the few completely trustworthy members of the cast. Once he knows a person’s secret, that secret is always safe with him and will never get out. He does nice things for people regardless of whether they asked him to or not. Most of the others would describe him as a really good person. Daijun doesn’t keep his own secrets from others and is very open about most things. Many see him as ‘too perfect’ and are suspicious at first but come to realize that he actually is who he says he is and is just generally a good person. Daijun is truly an anchor for the group, acting as a person people can go to if they need help no matter what. He also acts as a glue for others and does his best to keep people together.
Pronunciation: Dai-joon Yoh-dah
Pitch: Medium-Lower
"Hey there! Name's Daijun Yoda. It's nice to meet you Rune!" (Friendly, Kind).
"Rune! Rune where are you?! Are you okay?!" (Concerned, Scared).
"We both know only one of us is making it out of here..." (Foreboding, Serious).