POSSIBLE ROCKET RECAST NEEDED!!! Avengers: Infinity War [Multi-Part STOP MOTION FILM] by UnraveledPictures TM
LivingCurse for Rocket Raccoon

Member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Helps Thor out on his quest to get a new hammer.
Voice: Similar to Bradley Cooper's, or your own take on the character.
[Drax: Maybe he's a god.]
"A god? Are you kidding me? This guy’s dressed like some random comedian you’d find at the end of a street.""He can’t hear and feel diddly squat! Watch this! I’m gonna hit him and nothing’s gonna happen."
[Star Lord: Rocket, wait-!]
-Rocket punches him, but is soon grabbed by the neck and thrown away-
"We have a pod in the back. I’ll come with, since you probably don’t know how to pilot it."
[Thor: Thank you, Rabbit]
"I'm not a Rabbit, but okay."
[Groot: I am Groot]
"Grab your things then. I’m not gonna wait forever for you to get all the stuff you want to bring."

Wow! I'm genuinely impressed at how great this is! We already had someone fill Rocket's shoes for Episode 2, but we'd love to have you for future episodes of the project if possible! The director loved your audition! Congrats on getting casted as the role on here man! Whenever you can, shoot me an e-mail at jerronmerritt@gmail.com , and I'll send you the script for episode 3 as soon as possible! Glad to hopefully have you on board for this project :D

*metal voice* YES... YES... YYYESSS!!! Nice job my boy