POSSIBLE ROCKET RECAST NEEDED!!! Avengers: Infinity War [Multi-Part STOP MOTION FILM] by UnraveledPictures TM
SuhmGuyVoices for The Voice/Protector of the Soul Stone
Voice: Something ominous, and mysterious. [Can have effects if you want]
[Note: We couldn't find a Red Skull so it's gonna be a cloaked figure, haha. Our bad!.]
"Welcome Thanos.....Welcome Gamora......."
[Thanos: You know us?]
"It is my curse to know all who journey here."
-points to the end of a cliff- "What you seek, lies in front of you, as well as what you fear."
"To ensure that whoever possesses it, understands its power...The Stone demands a sacrifice."
[Thanos: Of what?]
"In Order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love....A soul.....for a soul."

This is such a good voice !! Hope you get the role! :)

Aheh, thank you very much! ^^

Congratulations on getting this role man! Shoot me an e-mail at jerronmerritt@gmail.com , and I'll send you your lines as soon as possible! It's great to have you apart of this!! :)

I truly appreciate it! Email has been sent, thanks so much- it should be exciting.

Congrats man! :D