Perceptions of the Dead 2 - Round 2
MichaelNeeb for Fleming
Age: 45-65 years. Older range.
Estimated Lines: ~40
Description: The ghost of an american aristocrat from over 100 years ago who hid the fact that he was a serial killer through liberal application of his enormous wealth. He is now historically seen as a philanthropist and thus the sudden hauntings indicative of a ghost serial killer seem out of place to the investigators coming to his city. He needs to sound haughty and well spoken.
Desired voice: High, Medium or Low pitch. Well spoken with crisp annunciation and magnanimous tempo to his speech patterns.
"It's hard to believe I was alone in that house so long before the young lady found me." (Speaking wistfully as he monologues his back story)
"It's sooo good to be out and about again!" (Spoken creepily while equally creepily holding a ghost girl close to him and smelling her.)
"I will kill her, you know; I can wait. I'll recover, in time. I can't imagine a headless girl will have that luxury." (In a rage filled threatening hissing voice as he threatens someone he has hostage as a counter to someone threatening him.)