(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)
Pickle for Wall-Knight (Closed)

All zombies kneel to your new knight! If that doesn't make him sweat, that is. This tough Wall-Nut superhero may have even a TOUGHER shell to crack with his cybernetic neon knight armor, along with having ALL of the defensive plants by his side, making him more of a bigger threat as the battle goes along, but when it comes to positive thoughts, Wall-Knight can be a bit too mild-mannered about it... He's cautious, bashful, gentle, nervous, and somehow still feels on edge going into war despite knowing what to do. Wall-Knight is a great guy with a gentle, kind personality, he just has a hard time coming out of his shell, that's the thing with him. But when it comes to saving not just himself, but his friends too, you BET Wall-Knight's gonna give out his fair share of defenses to his fellow plants... And innocent humans! He may have little confidence in himself despite his defensive power, but Wall-Knight's always willing to defend any lawn the very best he can!
(For Wall-Knight's voice, I'm looking for a soft-sounding high-pitched male voice.)
- english
- male teen
- north american
- animation/character
(Nervously) Ok, just take a deep breath, Wall-Knight... You can do this... You've got all the defensives you could possibly get all by your side... You can do this... * Deep, Nervous Breath* You can do this... I am a hard nut to crack... *Nervous Breath* I am a tough nut to crack...
*Agonized, Dying Groan* I KNEW I couldn't do this!!!
*Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!