Before I Forget (Again)
Michelle J for Tatiana
10 episodes, principal, recurring character
This role is only open to black transfeminine and/or AMAB transgender actors. Pre-op, post-op, and non-op trans actors are all invited to audition, regardless of whether or not you have done, or plan to do any vocal feminization through voice training or treatment. Preferably American, although other accents are welcome. Sounds to be in her mid-late 30s.
Tatiana has worked at the V.A.S.M. for a long time, insofar as you can judge the passage of time in a pocket dimension outside of it, and is in perpetual need of a nap. As the unwilling office manager, Tati is constantly getting dragged into shenanigans that she didn't sign up for, and regularly protests against. Dry humor, only openly affectionate with her husband, Larry, although she has a bit of a soft spot for Bea.
Sides for Tatiana:
- No, because like it or not, policy is still policy, and you still haven’t recorded yours. If you’d done it by yourself, I wouldn’t have to sit here and babysit you, but you wanted to stomp your feet and have your little rebellion, so here we are, at the consequences of your actions. It’s a hell of a lot lighter than it could have been, I know you know that. If I were you, I'd buckle down and do the damn recording.
- Let the record reflect that I am not a fan of the whole ocean thing. My regular exposure to tech support is as much communication as I need with the deep blue sea and its miscreants.
- Danny is a very talkative drunk. I now, against my will, mind you, know the entire history of the H…aaaaarry? Pot? Pothole? P- something, fan…people… and very little else about the internet as a whole. If what he told me is any indication of the state of the world-wide-web, I think I’d rather stay offline.
- english
- Black woman
- Black Woman
- transgender woman
- podcast
- female adult
- Transgender Woman
*Say something you think would fit*