Astro Cat and Moonmouse
Loop Da Loop for Butterscotch

Most commonly seen either doodling in her sketchbook or at a sewing machine; Butterscotch is Moonmouse’s beloved girlfriend.
Although she is very supportive of what her girlfriend does at work, she can’t help but miss her whenever they’re so far apart. She is very approachable and very friendly, she’ll always be the first to start a conversation and get to know someone. She’ll always lend a listening ear or a helping hand whenever one’s needed. She’s very open-minded and never judgemental, though she has a bit of playfully sarcastic edge to her, she loves joking around and teasing her friends whenever she sees an opportunity.
Butterscotch and Moonmouse are inseparable partners, nothing could ever tear them apart. They always enjoy spending time together; even something that would easily bore Moonmouse to death is made one hundred times more special because they’re doing it together. She also enjoys being “the important one” in the relationship, Moonmouse will go to the end of the galaxy to pamper her and show how much she loves her, and she enjoys every minute of it, she likes being the center of Moonmouse’s world; and Moonmouse is very much the center of hers.
Alrighty honey, here I am! And your remote just got its batteries changed.
Three, two, one… here we go!
Sweetie, sorry to be invasive for a second, but did something happen at work?
Well honey, it isn’t often that you get upset like that in public, and now you’re all flighty over the six o’clock news, that’s why I’m inclined to think that, and I’m asking because I want to help you; you know that I’ll always be by your side no matter what. If you don’t want to, that’s OK, I just hate seeing you so sad…
Oh honey, I really think you’re going about this the wrong way… I think you’ll do a wonderful job!
Mhm.. not only do I think so, I know so!
Look, I know it might seem a bit intimidating; and I know you’re not exactly a people person, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try, you won’t get anywhere if you tell yourself things like that, it sets you up for failure. You need to believe in yourself, say to yourself “I’ll do great!” If it means anything, I want you to know that I believe in you, honey…
Mhm, of course I do, sweetness…
- english
- female young adult
- Comic Dub
*Say something you think would fit*