Project: 'Sparrow' | Indie Game Casting Call; 1st Round
Zephyr Berry for Liliana Utsunomiya | Protagonist
Please refer to the Director's Notes for 'Mariko Utsunomiya'.
Liliana couldn’t be anymore different from her sister. An optimist by choice, she's terrifyingly good at reading people. She is able to emotionally wound someone with surgical precision, and hides her venom behind a big smile, making those on the receiving end of it none the wiser.
Lili's voice carries similarly to Mariko's, but is much lighter. The way they emote is very different as well. Mari leading her expressions with a scowl, and Lili beginning hers with a smile. Whereas Mari would speak with a growl if she were upset, her sister instead takes on a more deadpan tone. In addition to this, she speaks in one-worded statements to stifle conversation.
Points of Reference:
Kari Wahlgren's Portrayals of:
- Starfire (DC Animated Movies | Injustice 2)
- Jane Foster (Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes)
- Princess Cisna (White Knight Chronicles)
- Tifa Lockheart (Dissidia 012: Duodecim)
- Aerith Gainsborogh (Final Fantasy VII Remake)
- english
- female teen
- animation
- animation/character
- video game
- female young adult
- videogame
“Some people don't think before they speak, and hey! That is okay!”
“Please stop talking. For your sake.”
“You have abandonment issues. It is NOT difficult to tell at all.”