Astro Cat and Moonmouse
Mcsplosion for The Chief

The top dog of IDGAFF, The Chief is a respected figure in the intergalactic circle.
The Chief, as the central authority figure, makes sure that his organization is running on time and on schedule, pleasing him is what every employee strives to do, even the more stubborn and bullish department heads higher up in the chain know that he’s the biggest fish in the pond.
He is a very stern individual, and expects his workers to put their all in everything they do. However, he is willing to work with employees that are struggling to improve their act, he doesn’t fire employees unless they are absolutely unwilling to change. He is devoted to his position within the company, he spends more time working than anything else. His seniority, however, means that he’s starting to lose grasp of certain things. He also tends to lose sight of and / or misplace things, and he’s not the most physically fit. However, he has no plans of retiring any time soon.
He has a very deep, commanding voice; fitting for someone with authority like his.
Is everything all set? I’m a very busy man, I don’t have all day.
Hmm, I’m very pleased by what I’m seeing here… tell you what, you have the approval of me to mass produce both the vaccine and the medicine, and once you’ve met your quota we can begin distributing it.
Ah, ah, ah, let me finish!
I don’t like sending IDGAFF (pronounced as its written) personnel out on their own missions like these so I will call for another IDGAFF employee to accompany you, fortunately I have somebody to accompany you already.
You’re the new kid we just hired right?
Perfect! Come with me then, I have a very important assignment for you!
Judging by the fact you knew that answer tells me you’re more than capable of taking on this assignment.
- english
- male adult
- Comic Dub
*Say something you think would fit*