Mnemophobia - Ace of the Deck
Alice Cashman for Heldi - Voice Actor

Description of role:
1/3 of the triplets, she is the energetic and often impulsive out of the 3. She works as one of the managers, organizing large social events and parties. I'm looking for someone who is more passionate and can have high energy.
What I'm looking for:
- Tolerate my amateur ass and my awful writing
- Recorded with a decent clear microphone with a pop microphone :)
- Need to have a expressive voice especially one that's much older and deeper.
- I'm looking for mainly people who can put on east European accents especially Russian ones.
- I would like to use the same person for all 3 of the sisters so if you can put on multiple tones in the accent it would be appreciated :D
- english
- female adult
- female young adult
- animation/character
- german
- nordic
- russian
- animation
the plates plated out, the cups cupping liquid and the forks forking!
What do you mean you can't just put "ING" behind a noun to make it a verb?
Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes! Knees-? Oh those aren't my legs sorry!