SHACKLED (Recast: 2 Characters & 1 New Character)
Dishwasher Safe for Void Reaverin
(Void Re-vair-in)
A member of the Inginous Branch and local slacker. You’ll more than likely catch him patrolling at popular hangout spots or taking a nap where there’s a good breeze. While this is what everyone sees, Fio treasures his talents as he is deceptively intelligent and aware of his surroundings, almost as if his nonchalant attitude is simply a facade. He wields a “Jensa.” A type of weapon that can swap back and forth from a sword to a protective fan.
Supporting Role
Vocal Guide - Chill, laid-back, carefree, sociable
Vocal References -
Yakumo (English) Code Vein -
Riku (English) Kingdom Hearts -
Age Range - mid to late 20’s
Void is a fun-loving guy who doesn’t shy away from coming off as unaware or even dumb at times. Despite this huge responsibility he bears, being a Branch Member and all, he appears as if he doesn’t take it seriously in the slightest. He’s very friendly and inviting in a very “Dude-bro” kind of way, but won’t hesitate to stake his authority when needed.
- english
- animation/character
- male adult
“Yo! Name’s Void Reaverin! Hope you’re enjoying this weather as much as I am! The temp is perfect and the breeze is excellent! *Yawn* Matter of fact… I think this is a great time for a nap.”
(Excited) “Dude, I just had the most gnarly nap in a long while! It was almost like the Gods themselves said that I deserved it! Well actually, I say that quite often huh? Hehe!”
(Threatening) “Either way, it seems like you’re playing a dangerous game. As a High Guard soldier, you should know that raising a hand to a Branch Member is a grave offense. This would reflect on you all pretty badly if word of this got out.”