Tokyo Ghoul Fandub
Rain Briar for Nishio Nishiki

A ghoul college student that goes to Kaneki and Hide's university. Loves betraying the trust of humans, but also has a human girlfriend and is just lowkey a geek lmfao. Chill college student personified.
Range: Mid-Low
- male young adult
[Annoyed] Nagachika... I really don't like having my territory violated. Can't you knock? Where's your respect for your elders?
[Chill] Hmm... It's not here. Can you take a look on that shelf over there, Nagachika? It should be in a green case.
[True colors, psycho] I know, Kaneki. You were gonna eat him, weren't you? There's nothing better to whet the appetite than the moment of betraying somebody who trusts you. And the look of anguish on their face... when that foolish person gives up hope, is there? YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!? DON'T YOU!?

What is your discord?

My discord: undertherainclouds

Let me know if you send a request and I can verify I got it and accept it