Sunshine's Daycare (horror visual novel game)
Faux Synder for Ms. MOON

- female adult
" Greeting. Welcome to the dream room, I am Ms. Moon. I'm in charge of making sure the children get well rested after a long day or crazy adventure they go on with my husband and son. Do not fear; I will not harm you. I am just here to ensure everyone is resting well. If you want to talk more, I will be happy to do so. Oh just warning you. You will fall asleep if you stay here too long. So please make it quick for your own sake. (Giggles) "
" Mr. Sunshine? Ah, yes. He is delightful. (Giggles) All these children are primarily from families who need people like us to care for them while they are away or they are orphans. This reminds me: Did you know that most orphan kids come here from Ms. Sunshine's orphanage? (Giggles) Yes, I believe Mr. Sunshine's wife owns an orphanage not too far from here. They both are wonderful people."
" (Worried) Dear? Are you alright? Is something bothering you...? (Pause before sounding more worried and soft-spoken) ..You sure? You know you can talk to me if something is on your mind... I'm here for you. I promise you that I am always going to be here for you... Forever and ever... Til death do us part..."