Cursed with Glorious Purpose for Balthazar Murphy
Disillusioned and lazy, he’s either watching his “stories” (wrestling), sleeping or getting drunk off his myrrh cocktail concoctions. He’s a little temperamental too, often pushing people away. Very goal-oriented. Instant “ITS DA FREAKING BAT” vibes from him. Carl from ATHF, Walter White lowkey are references I would recommend.
(Angry) For the love of god Lucky, IM WATCHING MY STORIES OVER HERE!
(dismissive) Eh, that’s nothing new. Does a little shimmy every once in awhile.
(Stern) I’m not wasting my myrrh on your fart in the wind predictions! If anything happens to the ark, all those years we were waiting would have been for nothing!
nah keep it as is this made me chuckle
Glad you liked it!
hey! i also added some contact's to my bio in case you wanna get in contact. i forgot to do that initially, sorry.