Thank Goodness It's Family

Wayne LeGette for Mister Bradley

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mister Bradley
Paid: Flat Rate 106 USD

Mister Bradley is a supporting character. He is in his early 50s and serves as the strict but fair Dean of Schools at Vanderbilt Academy. He holds high standards for the students and is quick to intervene when they step out of line, though he has a softer, playful side that comes out during school events. While his disciplinarian nature often creates tension with the students, he also appreciates initiative and rewards effort, even if the approach isn’t conventional. We’re seeking an actor who can portray Mister Bradley’s authority and sternness while also bringing out the humor in his over-the-top reactions and occasional playful moments. He is Mister Belding-like.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all american accents
  • (inquisitive) Aisha... Beth... there you are. I’m hearing rumbles that a certain Braden Fields is coming to campus to be interviewed on the school radio station.

  • (proudly) You think that was bad? This was just a warm-up. Wait ‘til next year. I’ve got something planned that’ll make this prank look like a school field trip.

  • You’ve got passion; I’ll give you that. But before I say yes, I need more than enthusiasm. Show me a plan, how you’ll manage it, and proof that students want this.

Wayne LeGette
Thank Goodness It's Family
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