War of the Bounty Hunters Part 3

Toms Voice for Admiral Piett

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Admiral Piett
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD

Firmus Piett is an Imperial officer who serves on the Star Dreadnought Executor—flagship of Darth Vader. After the Battle of Hoth, he was promoted to admiral and given command of Vader's flagship. He is currently under the service of Vader during this story.

Please do your best to sound like Piett in Empire Strikes Back. Here is a clip. He's the officer giving the information about the probe droid that found something on Hoth. His dialogue is around 12 seconds in here: Piett reports on the Hoth probe droid

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • british
  • A rebel ship? All by itself out here? How interesting. Scramble a fighter wing. If they can push the ship into tractor beam range, we'll pull it aboard and interrogate the pilot. And if not… we'll watch a rebel burn.

  • Hnh. Petty criminals and their squabbles. Beneath our notice. Bring our shuttle home. And inform Lord Vader of what’s going on.

  • The Empire can exact more effective revenge by adjusting the terms of our deal with them. We’ll hit what the Hutts most value–their credits.

Toms Voice
War of the Bounty Hunters Part 3
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