Spectrum Adventures: A Day in the Life in BroVille (Minecraft Improv RP Series)
KamVA for Background Role

Background characters add depth to the city of BroVille. These roles are flexible and can range from political officials and police, to bartenders, restaurant owners, and pedestrians. Your character's level of involvement depends on your availability and the type of character you choose to portray.
MUST own Minecraft (Java only!) on a PC that can run a decently sized modpack.
MUST own a USB microphone and a set of headphones.
MUST be 16+ years of age.
MUST add your Discord user with your audition.
MUST be available on Fridays at 9:30 PM CST when needed. You will be given a heads-up, naturally.
Your character's appearance and personality is completely up to you (with minor exceptions, such as them being 18+, human, and believably living in the 2000's). This will basically be your own original character that is being inserted into the story. There will be some example dialogue below, but do feel free to engineer your own dialogue.
- female young adult
- female adult
- male adult
- male young adult
- female senior
- male senior
- usb microphone
- headphones
- minecraft body acting
(Restaurant Cashier) "Welcome to BroBucks, what would you like to order? We have a special today on BroGuettes."
(Pedestrian) *talking to another pedestrian in a hushed tone* "Listen, I never asked your sister out...- No, she's lying! I'd never ask HER out. Now, your mother, on the other hand..."
(Espouse some random dialogue - whatever you'd like! Drug dealer, homeless person, corrupt politician, beat cop, or the stressed mother of the notorious Lionel Davenport.)