My Amazing Woman, S04E03

MACDev for Donna Marquez

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Donna Marquez
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Holly Lindin

Donna Marquez is a woman in her 60s who earlier in life was a stuntwoman for the actress who played the Incredible Ishtar on television. She is unnerved by the magic the Barbara shows her in becoming Ishtar. At a later point in the series, she herself becomes Ishtar, thus this is a recurring role.

  • (in response to being asked why she wants to sue her retirement community) For losing my friend Barbara Manning. She’s one of the people Anna Kat reads for.

  • She can barely get around with a walker. And lately since her birthday, when I have seen her, she hasn’t seemed to be doing well at all. So, she shouldn’t be able to be hiding from anyone right now.

  • (frightened) I don’t know what’s at work here, but I don’t want any part of it.

My Amazing Woman, S04E03
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