True Vault Escapades: A Fallout Audio Drama
Matt Bartlett for Jax Blanc
BIO: Jax serves as a member of the Tahoe City High Council and an advisor to its mayor. Unlike his counterpart, Maggie, he’s outwardly friendly and seeks a diplomatic solution versus a violent one. Jax comes from privilege and often is clueless to the true nature of the wasteland – often coming off as gullible. In the end, his heart is in the right place.
VOICE: Young adult. Open to any.
- male young adult
- male adult
Troubled as he was, that larger-than-life personality never took a backseat. Always made room to laugh. He really liked you too, Bunny. I don’t think I need to tell you that.
Well, if surviving a shipwreck and immediately hunting down the radiation murder cult that’s behind it counts as nothing, I think we're in pretty good hands.
That’s right. And all you need to do is what you’ve been doing -- plus a little more paperwork and head-splitting terminal-staring. You may actually like it.