Collection of Consequences / Mellish Sweets ARG
Douglas Grosser for Emergency Broadcast Host
The emergency broadcast host sounds like a stereotypical broadcast host from the 50s-70s. A rich, professional voice with deep range. This role will have one monologue in the first tape.
Please record one take on this line because it is so long.
- male adult
- english
- female adult
This emergency broadcast is mandated by the FDA and CDC. If you are viewing this, then you are experiencing a medical poisoning crisis. A medical poisoning crisis is when a widely produced product contains undetected toxic elements that could be lethal to the point of death to consumers. Please remove any products under the label of Mellish Sweets Incorporated from your home. Again, any products with the label of Mellish Sweets Incorporated to be discarded from your home. Share this report with your neighbors and ensure that they follow safety guidelines. If you have any questions, contact your local police or dial 911. Thank you.

Hi, sorry I assume that when you auditioned, I didn't have lines up. Could you audition with the lines that are assigned? Sorry, and thank you.

Just resubmitted with the correct lines!