Warriors Cats: Into The Wild: Graphic Novel
LabyrinthMations for Dappletail (Minor)

Dappletail is a broad-shouldered, dappled tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with white patches, a patchy, thick, shiny pelt, amber eyes, and a muzzle gray with age.
Dappletail was a ThunderClan elder under Bluestar's and Firestar's leaderships, and briefly Graystripe in the forest territories, having previously served as a warrior under Pinestar and Sunstar. Dapplekit was born to Windflight and Rainfur alongside Tawnykit and Thrushkit. She was apprenticed as Dapplepaw with Windflight as her mentor, and became a warrior as Dappletail, mentoring Goldenflower. She gave birth to Runningwind's kits, Cricketkit and Featherkit, the latter of whom was deaf. After living for many moons as an elder, Dappletail died from eating a rabbit that had been poisoned by Twolegs during the destruction of the forest, where she ascended to StarClan.
- female senior
Your kin is very efficient, Fireheart.
What will StarClan think of a Clan whose deputy turns against it, and whose new deputy was named after moonhigh? It looks as if we can't keep our cats loyal, or even carry out the proper ceremonies.
White cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I remember one of my first litter...

Labyrinth, I'm sorry but I cannot give any roles to you because you cannot contact through discord, sorry again.

No Worries, Dude,

Thank you for understanding.