Warriors Cats: Into The Wild: Graphic Novel
Catbooks1 for Oakheart (Minor)

Oakheart is a dark, reddish-brown tom with amber eyes.
Oakheart was a warrior and deputy of Riverclan under Hailstar's and Crookedstar's leaderships respectively in the forest territories . He was born as Oakkit to Rainflower and Shellheart, along with his brother, Stormkit. He and his brother were very close, but when Stormkit broke his jaw, Oakkit was suddenly favored by their mother. Oakkit became an apprentice known as Oakpaw with his father as his mentor, and later earned his warrior name, Oakheart. Oakheart grew very close to a Thunderclan warrior, Bluefur, and they met at Fourtrees one night. Bluefur ended up pregnant with his kits, and when she decided to give them to RiverClan, he supported her lovingly and took Mistykit and Stonekit to Graypool to foster, and mourned the loss of his third kit, Mosskit.
- male teen
I thought that choice would please you, Bluestar. Do you not think she was well mentored?
Thank you. I hope we get to train together soon. You're my littermate and I'll always be there for you.
But I want to know you. Everything about you-your favorite fresh-kill, your earliest memory, what you dream of....

this is great! I will get to you in a moment