Pendog Productions
Banana Van for Beetrice B E | QueenBee Candy Mascot
Voice Actor
Beetrice B E | QueenBee Candy Mascot
Role assigned to:
The beloved cartoon mascot of Bartlebee brands Beetrice B. E is the hum of the town and a well known face all across the country. Spreading sweets and cheer with every step she is both a gardener and a businesswoman at heart--eager to spread the love and joy and make a quick buck at the same time.
- english
Voice description:
- Charming
- light
- Maybe a little snooty
- Sweet
- Cheerful
- female young adult
- animation/character
Other info:
- cartoon voices
- singing
“I’m the hum of the town and the friend every little girl needs!”
“With a honeyed hum and a whoop de do Bartlebee brands provides for you!”
“Oh but with just a droplet of my Bartlebee brand nectar the most tasteless meal becomes a delectable entree!~”
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