Richard Gibson for Dr. Acula

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Acula
Paid: Flat Rate 125 CAD
cast offsite

Male - Adult - Middle Age - Any Ethnicity - Any Accent at Start 

Classic Transylvanian Accent after transformation to Villain 

Articulate, Charismatic, Professional, Eccentric

Dr. Acula runs the the pharmacy Jade visits to locate the first baby monster. We learn he is actually a vampire hypnotized and controlled by Jesss.

Character Similarities

Dr. Drakken

3 Scenes

Approx. 300 words

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • I have never heard of this Allerzine… Let me look.

  • (Villain) For what, my dear? You seem distressed. Are you ok? (Deep long breath)... Your blood pressure appears to be.. Rising…

  • (Villain) Younnng laddyyy.. It’s important you follow your doctor's orders… Where aaaare you?

Richard Gibson
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