Welcome to the NHK Abridged Bits

Cammie for Hitomi Kashiwa

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hitomi Kashiwa
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Hitomi's place in these bits is to be a super toxic counterpoint to the main character, Satou. Her place in these bits is to sound super sincere but to come off extremely awkward in return. Most lines will be delivered in a very "matter of fact" way but there may be a few lines where she'll show a more emotional, sorrowful side. Kind of like a tinge of regret... But mostly drug humor...

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • *As if distracted for a moment, said with glee* I'm sorry! I can't hear you! I'm on cocaine!

  • It's all a conspiracy, Satou! They're all out to get us! If we don't stop them now, they'll- hey, by chance, do you have any Percocet lying around?

  • *remorseful* Maybe all of this wouldn't have happened if we just got together back then, huh?

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