Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call
KibaSwordsVA for Masaru Daimon

Masaru is a cheerful, hot-headed showoff who seems to have a more goofy outlook on life. He is extremely energetic and constantly brags about his role as the Hero and leader of the Warriors of Hope, despite only becoming "leader" by winning in Rock, Paper, Scissors (before he was "killed" and the leadership role was passed on to Monaca) - in the original JPN dub, Masaru often refers to himself using orecchi, a form of the Japanese pronoun ore, which can be rude depending on its context but is often used when a speaker wants to assert a feeling of superiority. He loves praise and fame, hinting at his more arrogant side. He is also very playful, naughty, and mischievous - he likes to boss around others due to his role as the leader and enjoys playing pranks on his fellow Warriors of Hope. However, he is always very considerate and respectful towards Monaca. He is one of the more childlike and less intelligent members of the group, enjoying very childish jokes, stomping his foot in frustration if things don't go his way, and being completely unaware of what is truly going on. He also seems to remember certain words incorrectly, like misremembering "colosseum" as "killesseum." Despite his childish and arrogant personality, he does genuinely care about the people he leads and wants them to never feel afraid anymore, so he forces himself to be brave for them. He takes his role as the "Hero" very seriously and works hard to live up to certain hero tropes, like being fearless and never losing. When talking about his goals as a Hero, he also mentions Monaca among the things that should and will belong to him, possibly out of his firm belief in the trope that the hero always gets the girl, instead of romantic interest. Though he usually appears very cheerful, he can get very upset and break down crying if he is reminded of his abusive past.
Voices for Reference (ENG): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuBdobVBDNs
Voices for Reference (JPN): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHt2qBmciBs&t=66s
- english
- male teen
- androgynous
- male child
- neutral
- nonbinary
(Masaru's introduction. Make him sound upbeat and a bit charismatic or boastful!) "I'm the super duper leader that unites the Warriors of Hope with a bang! Masaru Daimon! My special subject was P.E., so they called me Li'l Ultimate P.E.! I'm the P.E. King who can do every exercise ever! Running nonstop 24/7/365 is easy as pie! Oh, I almost forgot! My job in the Warriors of Hope is the Hero! And as Hero and the leader, I'm gonna be the new ruler of this town!"
(His words spoken before facing Komaru and Toko. He's obviously nervous and scared, re-living memories of his past, but is still trying to sound brave and strong.) "If I...hunt down every single Demon... Then nobody has to be afraid anymore! Th-They won't have to be afraid of the violence, and the pain! W-Won't have to... Afraid... I-I won't...be...afraid... I'm not...scared...at all... I don't hafta be scared of the... The dark and the pain and the alcohol smell... Not anymore... Not anymore, not anymore! No matter how much you beat me, I won't be afraid anymore! You hear me!? Not going...be afr...aid... I-I'm the Hero... Heroes never lose!"
(For this line, sound bitter and cynical but try to keep that upbeat tone.) "Just because they gave birth to us and raised us, they thought they could control us all! As Hero, I hunted them down and let everyone go free! Ehehe... Now now, don't praise me *too* much... I just did what any good leader would do..."