Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call

Solaria for Kotoko Utsugi

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kotoko Utsugi
Role assigned to: Solaria

Kotoko Utsugi is a character in Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls, and her title is the Lil’ Ultimate Drama. Kotoko is a hot-headed but cheerful girl with a passion for things she considers “adorbs.” She has a habit of going off-topic and listing facts in the middle of conversations, sometimes vaguely linking back to the topic she’s talking about. Even still, she still has clear speech. Though she puts on the front of being cheerful and polite, she can be a bit of a bully and be cruel to others, such as being extremely mean towards Jotaro and teasing Nagisa mercilessly - especially about his crush on Monaca. When it comes to the Lil’ Ultimate Homeroom, she constantly tries to suck up to her and stay on Monaca’s good side. 

She seemingly loved the stage life and loved to act, but due to past trauma, she never likes to talk about it or look back on it. Because of how much she’d be pampered, she grew to become a bit strict and demanding of others. She also has a habit of curtsying and being quite a drama queen, hinting back to her time as an actress. However, because of how skilled she is at acting, it’s heavily implied that a lot of her behavior is just her putting on an act - including her “cutesy” personality is implied to be an act she’s putting on as a coping mechanism to keep acting if she doesn’t want to end up depressed. Being one of the more intelligent members, she can understand things a bit quicker than most kids her age and even uses her acting skills to deceive Monaca after she backstabbed her and the other Warriors, and can think for herself without Monaca’s influence. 

(CW: S*xual Abuse and P*dophilia) 

Because of the sexual abuse she experienced while she was acting, Kotoko can get triggered by the word “gentle” since it was a word that the men who abused her would use for her. Even though she can use the world herself without a lot of trouble, if someone else says it, she can become extremely anxious and experience a very awful breakdown, sobbing in fear and not being able to calm herself down until someone she deeply trusts intervenes. Because of this trauma, she became extremely bitter towards adults - because nobody helped or saved her, she became extremely paranoid and distrustful of adults.

For Kotoko's voice, I love the direction they took in the JPN version, having her voice be a bit higher pitched and "cutesy." However, when she speaks in a more "serious" or angry/frustrated tone, I think going in a direction similar to her ENG voice works (Also as a way to hint at her acting abilities for her to put on a voice/tone depending on how she's feeling.)

Voices for Reference (ENG): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX2yirM2CNE 

(CW and TW: Kotoko’s Trauma is described here) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CiNAw2W3LU&t=218s 

Voices for Reference (JPN): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-SXk15VUIA 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female child
  • (For the first bit of this line, try to speak in a "New York" accent) "Woohoo! Sorry for the intrusion, tank you veddy much! (At this point, speak normally, still capturing her cheery personality). Phew, I reached waaay back for that reference! I had to deal with baby boomers all the time, so my gags are kinda dated. And speaking of old ...Aw, I can't think of any follow-up! I must be nervous! *sigh* My heart is racing faster than 16 shots a second! Master Takahashi would be proud!"

  • (One of Kotoko's breakdowns when hearing her trigger word. Be sure to REALLY capture the feeling that she feels extremly vulnrable and scared, like she's replaying her trauma in her head and feels like she's reexperiencing it right there and wants to escape, even though it's not happening.) "G-Gentle? Gentle... Please...*sob* Stop with the gentle... Wh-When they're...gentle, I... I get all flinchy... N-No! *sob* I don't want gentle, I don't... Please stop...*sob* A-Anything but gentle! *sob* Please, no, stop with the gentle! *sob* No, I don't want gentle! I don't want any more gentle! Don't say...you'll be gentle... Please...just hurt me instead... I-If you...you say...gentle... P-P-PLEASE KILL ME INSTEAD!!!"

  • (Speaking with Komaru. Sound a bit upbeat and cheery, but still has bitter and cynical undertones.) "Ah, by the way, my dad was a dentist. And also, Papa was always cheating with his dental assistant. But I guess he had an inferiority complex 'cause he always role-played as a brain surgeon. Yes, a great daddy indeed... Neglecting his business and making me earn money instead... A perfect Papa who I could kill over and over and over and it still wouldn't have been enough..." (Now have her speak in a deeper and more serious tone, as if she was dropping her "adorbs" act.) "Being adorbs isn't always a good thing. Cute girls go through terrible things... And if you're adorable too, you have to protect yourself. On your own. If you can't, you have to take whatever they give you. It's a shitty rule, but I didn't make it. Adults did... So be prepared for that life."

Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call
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