Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call

pompk / sugartealeafs for Sayaka Maizono

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sayaka Maizono
Role assigned to: JoceyVA

Sayaka Maizono is a character in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, and her title is the Ultimate Pop Sensation. Sayaka is a cheerful and sweet young woman with a sharp intuition. According to Makoto, Sayaka has the appearance of a beautiful porcelain doll, and an alluring and charming aura that seems to entrance him whenever they interact. Sayaka also seems to have a playful and teasing side to her as well, as she can seemingly always guess whatever Makoto is thinking, first claiming she’s a psychic, only to giggle it off and say she was joking with him and says it’s just her keen intuition. She also seems to be quite observant as well, as she was able to remember that she and Makoto went to the same middle school, despite never interacting or being in the same class. Sayaka is someone who just seems to have an aura that makes those around her feel calmer and at ease, especially since she as a sweet and polite manner with “one of the nicest smiles” one could see - although, it’s noted that some believe that it’s just because of her status as a top idol. Even so, she seems to really care deeply for her friends - especially Makoto and her fellow idol members. She cares so deeply in fact, she’s willing to get her hands dirty if it means she could protect them. When push comes to shove, she will begin to even commit risky actions if it means she can achieve her goals, hence why she was so desperate to even betray Makoto if it meant she could escape the school to save her idol members from an implied tragic fate. But even though she did plan to betray her friend, she’s still willing to come up with last minute plans if it means she could save him.

Sayaka as a remnant is pretty straight forward: Like Ibuki/Saionji and Remnant!Kaede, uses her status and skills as a popular idol to influence and brainwash her massive fanbase into despair - kind of like a siren. I like to think she'd still try to uphold her sweet appearance, but also have this toxic/sinister aura swirling around her as well as she sometimes says the most horrendous things in such an innocent sing-song voice. Another small fact, Remnant!Sayaka and Remnant!Leon are dating! I’m sure that won’t lead into anything despair-inducing for the world. (Wink wink nudge nudge)

Voices for Reference (ENG): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFAb8v6bM68 

Voices for Reference (ENG Anime): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3PpBY2Y98k 

Voices for Reference (JPN): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AlTMSql_fc 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
Other info:
  • singing (soprano / high alto)
  • (Speaking with Makoto) "Yeah, I may be a pop star, but I'm also your classmate, Sayaka Maizono. Even after we graduate, it'll continue. I won't ever be too far from you. So, as long as you keep watching me, I'll be happy. I'll admit, there's no guarantee that everything will stay the same as it is now... Even if some things do change, I'm sure those changes will be wonderful."

  • (Sound unsure and panicked, but still trying her best to remain calm and hopeful) "Can I...can I believe what you said? That you'll help me get out? No matter what it takes...? Makoto... You're the only one I can trust. So please... No matter what happens, please always be there for me."

  • (A possible Remnant!Sayaka line! Have her sound like she's announcing herself and stepping onstage and greeting her audience with her usual sweet and chipper demeanor, but also with a sinister undertone) *insert a "cheerful" giggle/laugh here* "Welcome, welcome, my doting fans! Are you ready to hear what may be the most despair-inducingly beautiful melodies your worthless ears will ever listen to~?"

pompk / sugartealeafs
Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call
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