Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call
KodaMeans for Kirumi Tojo

Kirumi Tojo is a character of Danganronpa: V3, and her title is the Ultimate Maid. As implied from her title, Kirumi is a mature, polite, and refined young woman, described to be a “professional” and “perfect” in her field of work. Having a keen/observant mind and meticulous intellect, while having the strength and competitive capabilities to protect herself and her employers, she is known to be very skilled and talented in many other fields that aren’t related to being a maid. As a maid, she has her own form of faith: what she calls her “selfless devotion.” She has a strong sense of duty and justice, willing to work and help others no matter the situation, even doing so during the killing game - during mealtimes, she’d always prepare both Japanese, other Eastern, and Western cuisines in the very case someone doesn’t like a certain food, ingredient, or allergy - she is that meticulous, thoughtful, and thorough in her work. And in order to protect the people that need and care about her, she is willing to do anything for them… even if it means committing “immoral” acts in the process and needing to bear the burden in the aftermath, and cracking under the pressure of being backed into a corner.
However, this does come at a bit of a cost - because of her “selfless devotion” and her desire to complete as many requests as she possibly can, Kirumi has grown so selfless to the point she lacks the concept and/or need to do things for herself - sometimes even shifting casual conversations or what would be a scenario of friends hanging out together into asking if her friends need anything from her, only seeing herself as a maid to serve and doesn’t sees her opinions to be of importance as long her friends or employers are happy/satisfied with her work (even though her classmates and friends don’t just see her as such, and try to have her feel included or be apart of things not because it’s a “request” but because Kirumi is their friend). This being said, she does have her limits in requests and how people see her. For example, despite being the “mom” of the group, she dislikes it when people call her or ask her to be “their mom” because of her Ultimate Title as a maid and because of her “motherly” instincts and mannerisms, since it can sometimes be seen as an insult to some women (in this case, including herself). Additionally, she’ll refuse to do sexual services, anything deemed too difficult or impossible for her alone to accomplish (ex. Destroying a whole nation - yes, she was asked to do that), or unfairly removing someone from an area if they haven’t done anything wrong.
Now, Kirumi is one of the last few of her classmates to fall into despair - which is how Junko planned it to be. As more of the V3 class fell into despair, they’d begin to push Kirumi’s buttons and sanity by pushing as many requests onto her as possible. Would be an easy task: afterall, these lazy bums already rely on Kirumi a bunch for sometimes needless things, right? Well, thanks to Junko’s manipulation onto her fellow classmates + through interacting with Kirumi herself, and because of taking on a very daunting request on the side for the prime minister, the poor maid eventually and slowly cracks under all the pressure; even a strong-willed woman like her can only take so much for so long… she is still human after all. So eventually, she snaps: “Fine… if everyone does truly want me to do everything… then I will… I’ll do everything, for EVERYONE…!”
As a despair, Kirumi has risen up as a totalitarian dictator alongside the remnants. She controls any and every aspect of her citizen’s lives, bullet point by bullet point. Down to every little detail the eye could find - and that's her source of despair - still overworking herself to the bone by managing her citizens' lives, and making her citizens follow HER orders, and not the other way around.
As for her voice, I’m kinda looking for a somewhat “middle ground” for her! I think both VA’s captured Kirumi’s character and emotions to a T! My only gripe is that I felt Kirumi’s English voice seemed a bit too high, while her Japanese voice seemed a bit too low for her age. So I think finding a middle ground for her voice would be perfect!
(apologies for the large info dump on this one haha - she had a lot more to her the more I was typing up her bio both in and out of despair so I trimmed it down the best I can. Apologies in advance)
Voices for Reference (Eng): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMb6sUhQjYA
Voices for Reference (Jpn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFQ3O4PBijY
More info as a Remnant: https://www.tumblr.com/spittyfishy/tagged/remnant%20Kirumi
- english
- female young adult
- female teen
- female adult
(Disgusted and frustrated, borderline sinister and on the verge of snapping) *deep sigh* “I’m surrounded by completely utter idiots. But Maki is a strong and reliable ally to have… rather have her and deal with her… partner’s… ‘incompetence’ than not…”
(Stoic, maybe even a bit monotone - maybe speak in a way as if she’s looking down on her classmates) “Ah.. me and Ryoma Hoshi…? We aren’t allies. But… we aren’t necessarily… ahem, ‘enemies,’ you could say. I’m sure the world would be in a deeper disarray if we were to actually engage in some form of warfare. Dare I say, Tsumugi and the other creetens are what make sure we don’t end up engaging in such acts…” (sighing in disgust, on the verge of angrily snapping) “...especially since some of the allies on my side are… less than ideal.” (a soothing, calming sigh to mellow herself out) “But no matter… me and Ryoma Hoshi try not to have our attacks hold against each other. We are all one in the same, as we are Mistress Junko Enoshima’s disciples of Ultimate Despair. So becoming enemies in such a situation would not be plausible…” (slight sense of mourning and longing) “...maybe, we could be even allies…?” (she stomps those feelings down again) “Ah- no, no. No need to think like that. It’s not what she would want.”
(A 15-30 second clip of a progressing despairing giggle/laugh!)