Deadly Desires: Lovestarved (visual novel - Otome/Josei Jam 2024)
Richard Gibson for Limos Erysichthon (M) - Love Interest

Erys is a sithys, the most hated species in Limbo. Like all sithys, Erys requires a form of energy in order to sustain himself. Unfortunately for Erys, he needs love. Jaded by the population's penchant for lust (a form of love that he considers the equivalent of mere scraps), Erys' hunt for true love and sustenance seems endless.
To survive, Erys masquerades as an escort working for Deadly Desires so that he can feed off of clients (and sometimes other escorts!) He hopes he might eventually encounter a client as desperate for love as he is.
While pretending to be an escort, Erys puts up an alluring air of sorrow and loneliness, an attempt to fool people into thinking he’s harmless, but when he shows his true colours, Erys can be sly, wicked, sinister, and surprisingly sweet.
!!![Please be aware that this character's script includes cursing & some extremely flirty/suggestive lines]!!!
Deadline for part 01 lines delivery: 5th June 2024 - Deadline for part 02 lines delivery - end of July 2024
Total lines: 624 - (246 in part 01 of the script) - (378 in part 02 of the script)
$250 is what I can currently afford to pay for the full script for this character. I can either pay all in one go or split it in half for each part of the script.
(Art used is current concept art for the game by Lazy Polar Bear)
- english
- male adult
- male teen
- video game
- androgynous
- male young adult
- visualnovel
- videogame
- neutral
- nonbinary
(sincere/caring) Ah, it’s awfully kind of you to be concerned, but I assure you, I can look after myself. I may not earn enough to stop me from starving, but it’s better than whatever else is on the table, and besides, I met you, so it can’t be all bad now, can it?
(contemplative/alluring) Maybe it’s a stretch to suggest that you were calling me. Still, that’s how it felt… that enchanting perfume of yours that only I seem to smell… that delectable stench of desperation… it’s almost suffocating. So, care to explain yourself, little human? Why is it that when I taste the air around you, I find myself longing to capture you all for myself?
(bitter/sinister) I can't force you to love me, but I can wait for you to change your mind... forever if I have to. You already captured my heart. It's only a matter of time before I have yours.