Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call

Apple Core for Tsumugi Shirogane

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tsumugi Shirogane
Role assigned to: Lobotoboy

Tsumugi Shirogane is one of the characters of Danganronpa: V3, and her title is the Ultimate Cosplayer. She tends to constantly describe herself as "plain." Tsumugi is an honors student with keen intellect, but when it comes to talking about her craft as a cosplayer, she becomes deeply passionate! She loves making quirky references to her favorite shows and games even in casual conversations, some being so obscure that no one knows what she could be talking about. She's pretty timid and quiet at a first glance - especially since she tends to have a "plain" appearance and blend into the background - but as you get to know her, she is very chatty and passionate about her talent as a cosplayer, even though she more so enjoys sewing and making cosplays rather than wearing them herself.

In this AU, Tsumugi is indeed a remnant - the first one, in fact! She is deeply devoted to her darling Junko's beliefs- huh, what's that Tsumugi? O-oh, right, i'm sorry! I forgot - of COURSE she isn't a remnant! She wants to do her part in protecting the hope of the world, and assisting the Future Foundation in anyway she can. She'd NEVER partake in such a horrendous tragedy alongside her dearest classmates; she wants to save the world and honor all of the lives lost in such a horrible moment in history. I mean, that would be CRAZY! wink wink nudge nudge

Tsumugi's voice is very soft spoken, docile, and gentle. Even when she's super excited and chatting about her interests, her voice does tend to still have that docile and gentle tone to it; that doesn't mean she isn't happy or ecstatic when she speaks though!

Voices for Reference (Eng): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs_knklPpcc

Voices for Reference (Jpn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sFHgQO5cMc&t=2595s

More info as a Remnant: https://www.tumblr.com/spittyfishy/693139079209123840/okay-but-like-remant-tsumugi-if-you-havent-maked?source=share

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • (Confronting Korekiyo) "Would you care to explain yourself as to why you're ruining our plans...?" "Everything was perfect... we were living up to our dear Junko's legacy... and then YOU come along and mess everything up! What are you trying to achieve, you traitor?!"

  • (Feigning innocence) "Hm? Oh! It was quite easy to infiltrate them, actually. The poor Future Foundation is terribly understaffed at the moment, and having Hope's Peak alumni are essential to their brand. So that's why they're happy to have someone as plain as me assist them in..." *fake innocent giggle* "'helping' them out!"

  • (A 15-30 second clip of a progressing despairing giggle/laugh!)

Apple Core
Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call
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