Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call

Corza Corpse Studio for Ibuki Mioda

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ibuki Mioda
Role assigned to: Corza Corpse Studio

Ibuki is a character in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, and her title is the Ultimate Mucisian. Having a unique and rockstar-like appearance, Ibuki is an extremely loud and energetic girl. Considered one of the most upbeat characters of her class, Ibuki loves to chat with anyone about anything or nothing in particular - especially since she’ll go off on bizarre tangents sometimes, even if it had nothing to do with what she was originally talking about. She even seems to have some form of a verbal tic where she can say things twice. Ibuki’s quirky personality also stems from her interests - she loves to do things that some would see as “bizarre” or “unique,” and never likes to do things she finds “dull,” such as reading or studying. She also tends to have “panic moments,” where she screams or is scared at particularly nothing. But when she sometimes does experience genuine panic, she tends to foam at the mouth if she doesn’t scream. Despite her very quirky and loud personality, she can have serious moments with other people and can provide pretty well and wise advice for her friends, like advising Hajime about being himself, and does want to help Hajime with his sense of identity. This isn’t just a one-time thing though - this moment with Hajime and a few other small moments during the game shows that she has a strong respect for individuality, wanting everyone to experience being themselves. 

It’s heavily implied that Ibuki swings both ways. In the official artbook, it’s stated Ibuki loves cute girls and can be seen admiring some of them during the game (ex. In chapter 2 when Souda and Hajime meet up with the girls to head to the beach, some of them in their swimsuits) Though she’s usually teasing or joking around, she acts pretty flirty with both guys and girls. Despite her pretty flirtatious tendencies, Ibuki has stated she has little interest in finding an official partner at the moment, and would rather have a deep relationship (that’s platonic) with someone she would dub her soulmate.

Ibuki tends to refer to self in the third person quite a lot. It’s not as frequent in the ENG localization, but it’s still a notable quirk of hers that she does.

As a Remnant, Ibuki performed many concerts alongside Hiyoko Saionji. It’s heavily implied and theorized they did these concerts as a way to brainwash their fans into becoming followers of despair, but it’s also rumored that they also committed mass murder at these concerts as well, killing their fans at these performances (perhaps masking their shows as “safe havens” for these fans, only to kill them at the last number to shatter these fans’ last ounce of hope and security).

I think Ibuki’s higher voice is fitting like in the ENG game, but her more “rockstar” tone and vibes in the JPN version and anime work EXTREMELY well too :00

Voice for Reference (ENG): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmwO1mny7pU 

Voice for Reference (ENG Anime): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXm2gzjUCS4

Voice for Reference (JPN): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPOzdP2e3lc 

  • english
Voice description:
  • rock n roll
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • (Ibuki's introduction!) ""I," "Buki," "Mio," "Da!" Put it together and what do you get? Ibuki Mioda!"

  • (She's definitely sounding panicked and grossed out here, but I do think she'd still sound like she'd speak a bit normally... just with more panic and frantic-ness in her tone) "Holy crap! He's *totally* the type of guy who spent his childhood killing neighborhood pets! How can you smile in a situation like this, you creep!"

  • (Her declaration at the end of Dr3, when she and her classmates revealed they became Ultimate Despair) "Hahaha, yeeeah!! I'm gonna shake things up with some J-Rock power ballads! YEOWW! ROCK AND ROOOLLL!!!"

Corza Corpse Studio
Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call
Corza Corpse Studio

My name is Corza! I'm 19 and I hope you liked my audition!my discord is @corzacorpse !

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