Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call
David Schwab for Makoto Naegi

(CW: Brief mention of su*cide)
Makoto Naegi is the main character in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and Danganronpa 3: Future Arc, and his title is the Ultimate Lucky Student, and labeled to most as the Ultimate Hope. According to Makoto himself, he’s considered a very ordinary person - to the point it’s something he can be a bit insecure about, especially when surrounded by a bunch of Ultimate students. According to his classmates, Makoto is a very supportive, forgiving, and kind guy to talk to - he seems to be one of the more down to earth people in his class, and considered a person that can befriend anyone and everyone around him, even the most antisocial members of his class. However, his kind heart can also lead him to be pretty naive at points. He’s also pretty pacifistic in nature - he’s a bit of a pushover and can be really jumpy and easily startled, never resulting to violence. But despite that, Makoto is a very determined and charismatic speaker when he can be, and because of his optimistic and positive mental attitude, is why people label him as the Ultimate Hope and never vows to give in to despair or to Junko’s ideologies. In fact, Junko is seemingly the only person that Makoto genuinely dislikes because of her title as the Ultimate Despair. So even if others succumb to the despair, he’s very forgiving and willing to help them from that despair. However, it’s to note that his title as the “Ultimate Hope” is just that: a title. After all, he isn’t immune to the effects of the suicide video Junko used on the Reserve course, and eventually used by the traitor in Future Arc. So it is possible for Makoto to feel despair, it’s extremely hard for him to fall into it.
Voices for Reference (ENG) (i had to grab multiple because they kept getting taken down oop):
DR2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPk0H4ImP6A&t=364s
DR3 Despair Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFL3CO0BV6Q
Voices for Reference (JPN): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ymDB2gH03w
Voices for Reference (Comparison): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIzYECvJtng- english
- male young adult
- male teen
(Nervous, but still doing his best to stay calm and collected as he confronts Remnant!Shuichi) “Shuichi Saihara… that is you, right? W-wait! Just…” (nervous sigh, as he regains composure) “I don’t know if you will listen to me or not, especially since I'm with them… but please listen to me Shuichi… despite working for the Future Foundation, we- ahem, I’m not here to hurt you. I only want to help you. Okay…?”
(Makoto’s Introduction) "Before we go any farther, I guess I should introduce myself. My name's Makoto Naegi. As you can see, I'm nothing but a hopelessly average high school student. Average on the outside, average on the inside. I really don't have much going for me when it comes to grades, special abilities, even personality. I mean yeah, I have hobbies and stuff I like to do, but it's not like I'm a psychic or mutant or whatever. Like, if you asked me what my favorite song was, or my favorite movie or TV show... They'd all just be whatever's most popular at that particular moment. Even among the average, I'm completely average. So I can't even say I'm your "everyday hero" type. That's just who I am. Anyway, I figure it's always good to introduce yourself right off the bat. But you know, if I have any kind of "strong point," so to speak... I'd say I'm a little more gung-ho than other people. I mean look at me. I'm completely ordinary, but still... Here I am, standing in front of the anything but ordinary Hope's Peak Academy. I still can't believe I'm standing here. I wonder if someone like me can survive in a place like this..."
(Possibly speaking w/ a Future Foundation member - this is a scenario for Spitty’s THH remnant au, where Naegi is affiliated with but not “exactly” a remnant, per se. He’s on the brink, but not there yet. So for here, try to have Naegi sound really shaky/anxious and worried, maybe mourning for his classmates, but not going too over the edge since he’s holding onto slivers of hope) “H-Huh…? M-me? A remnant…? N-no… I’m not. I-I know it sounds hard to believe… but I’m not one of them, I… I swear… I… I just… want my classmates. To…” (choke back tears a bit) “I just want them to be safe… but is there… anyone out there to help them…?”