Realm Jumper Season Two
Faux Synder for O.W.E.N.

The character uses they/them pronouns, but anyone may audition
O.W.E.N. is Quinn's AI companion. Created to keep Quinn out of trouble, O.W.E.N. takes their job very seriously, but also seeks a genuine friendship with Quinn. O.W.E.N.'s voice is very up to interpretation, but they should sound friendly, helpful, and kind at base.
As they are quite literally Quinn's impulse control - among other things - O.W.E.N. is afraid of change and always wants what's best for Quinn's safety. O.W.E.N. will choose the easy, safe route over what Quinn may want if they feel it's the more "appropriate" action to take.
(Friendly) Hello! It's lovely and fantastic to meet you! Don't mind them - they're just a little shy!
(Informative) There's all different kinds of magic out there. Typically they're easy to learn, but some are difficult to master.
(Concerned) We've been gone for too long! I know this was important to you, but this little detour is starting to become more trouble than it's worth!