Beyond the Dark Productions - ‘The Road of Shadows’ - Season 3 | Original audio drama
Richard Gibson for Ragasso
Word count: 2100
Role: Supporting
Payment: $50 flat rate
Ragasso (pronounced ruh-GAH-so) is a high ranking member of the ‘Vespeerin’, a mysterious group of creatures referred to as ‘Shadows’ by the protagonists of the story. He is large, physically imposing, arrogant and confident.
As one of the oldest of the Vespeerin, Ragasso has climbed the ranks and now sits in a position of considerable power amongst his kin. Like all Shadows he is cruel and manipulative and gives little value to human life.
Although he is well respected amongst the Shadows, Ragasso harbours a secret. In the past, he has broken a vital rule of the kin by hunting together with another Shadow - his friend Sukeestra. This is considered to be a desecration of the laws of the kin and as such, this knowledge would have the potential to destroy Ragasso were it ever leaked to his fellow Shadows.
Guilt-ridden by what they had done, Ragasso and Sukeestra agreed to part many years ago. However, Ragasso now finds himself summoned to aid Sukeestra when her life becomes threatened. Even though he knows this will result in old wounds being reopened, Ragasso has agreed to the task and vows to protect her with his life.
- english
- male adult
(Grimly explaining to Sukeestra why he has arrived to aid her) “The Kin have serious concerns about our enemies. ‘Grave’ concerns, in fact. Alone, each of these enemies would be a formidable opponent. But together, well... they’re unlike any threat we’ve faced before. That’s why I was sent.”
(Vehement, ominous as he tries to convey the seriousness of the situation) “As much as you might hate me, as much as you might despise my very existence - and resent the fact that I’m here with you now - you have to accept one unshakable truth in your fight against the enemy. I’m the only hope you’ve got.”
(Breathless, taunting in the midst of a hand to hand fight with an enemy) “What’s the matter? Are you surprised I’m not hurt by that little paper cut you gave me on the arm? I am strong. I don’t go down as easily as the others you’ve faced.”