Beyond the Dark Productions - ‘The Road of Shadows’ - Season 3 | Original audio drama

Project Overview
Beyond the Dark Productions is a studio based in Brisbane, Australia, run solely by founder Mark R. Healy. Current projects include The Strata, a sci-fi audio drama released in 2021 and The Road of Shadows, a mystery and suspense audio drama released in 2023. Both productions have reached Number 1 in over seventy countries in their category on Apple Podcasts and received critical acclaim for their compelling narratives and high production values.
***Payment Structure for Characters - Per Season - in USD***
Supporting (2,500 - 5,000 words) : $100
Supporting (1,000 - 2,500 words) : $50
Minor (less than 1000 words): $25 ---------------------------------------------------
Synopsis: It's 1984, and Daniel Knox is on the run. He's spent his entire life evading mysterious creatures that are disguised as everyday people - the ones he calls 'Shadows'. Preying on humans in secret, the Shadows are an enigma even to Daniel. But he knows one thing for sure - the Shadows' true nature can't be seen by anyone but him. As he seeks refuge in a remote mountain community, Daniel crosses paths with a traveller who is investigating the disappearance of her sister in the same town. Gradually, the secrets begin to unravel - and for Daniel - life will never be the same again.
Disclaimer / Content Warning: This project contains horror, profanity and some portrayals of violence (gunplay, body horror, blood).
Rules for auditioning
1. A quality recording. I can't use poor audio no matter how great your performance might be.
2. Commitment to deadlines.
3. Willingness to take direction and provide pickups if necessary.
4. You must be 18 years or older to audition
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Word count: 3000
Role: Supporting
Payment: $100 flat rate
Susan Blake is a resident in the small town of Black Ridge. Having lived in the town for many years, she is well known amongst the townspeople and respected for her philanthropic work at the local homeless shelter, which she owns and runs herself. Considered a pillar of the community, most know her as kind, considerate and generous, albeit somewhat lacking in warmth. She almost never socialises with anyone, preferring to spend her free time on her own.
Unbeknown to the townspeople, there is a more sinister reason for Susan’s standoffish nature. She lives a double life, harbouring a secret that no one knows but her. When no one is watching, Susan can be cruel and manipulative, petty and spiteful. There is an intense hatred inside her that she knows must remain hidden from others in the town. Susan will do almost anything to protect this secret and over the years she has been very successful at doing just that.
- english
- female adult
(Acting innocent and reasonable when questioned about the disappearance of a vagrant several years ago) “Jimmy stayed at the shelter a few years ago. He was a good kid, but troubled, like many who came through my door. After a couple of days he moved on, and I never saw or heard from him again.”
(Cruel and vindictive, double-crossing an ally out of spite. A note of triumph as her plan comes to fruition) “You’ve been given an honour that should rightfully be mine. I realised - while I was down there in the darkness - that I couldn’t let you win. At any cost. And so I came up with a plan that would not only take out them, but you as well. So... now it’s your turn to feel despair. I want you to think about that demon coming for you, old friend. Think about how it’s going to feel when he rips your soul apart from the inside out.”
(Ironic, condescending as she discusses her plans with a companion. A threat looms and she has figured out a way to fight back) “As surprising as this may be to you, I’m not an idiot. I’ve known what our enemies are capable of doing - not just these, but the ones who have come before, as well. Sooner or later we were bound to cross paths with them again. And that’s why I’ve spent so much time and effort to develop these countermeasures.”
Word count: 2100
Role: Supporting
Payment: $50 flat rate
Ragasso (pronounced ruh-GAH-so) is a high ranking member of the ‘Vespeerin’, a mysterious group of creatures referred to as ‘Shadows’ by the protagonists of the story. He is large, physically imposing, arrogant and confident.
As one of the oldest of the Vespeerin, Ragasso has climbed the ranks and now sits in a position of considerable power amongst his kin. Like all Shadows he is cruel and manipulative and gives little value to human life.
Although he is well respected amongst the Shadows, Ragasso harbours a secret. In the past, he has broken a vital rule of the kin by hunting together with another Shadow - his friend Sukeestra. This is considered to be a desecration of the laws of the kin and as such, this knowledge would have the potential to destroy Ragasso were it ever leaked to his fellow Shadows.
Guilt-ridden by what they had done, Ragasso and Sukeestra agreed to part many years ago. However, Ragasso now finds himself summoned to aid Sukeestra when her life becomes threatened. Even though he knows this will result in old wounds being reopened, Ragasso has agreed to the task and vows to protect her with his life.
- english
- male adult
(Grimly explaining to Sukeestra why he has arrived to aid her) “The Kin have serious concerns about our enemies. ‘Grave’ concerns, in fact. Alone, each of these enemies would be a formidable opponent. But together, well... they’re unlike any threat we’ve faced before. That’s why I was sent.”
(Vehement, ominous as he tries to convey the seriousness of the situation) “As much as you might hate me, as much as you might despise my very existence - and resent the fact that I’m here with you now - you have to accept one unshakable truth in your fight against the enemy. I’m the only hope you’ve got.”
(Breathless, taunting in the midst of a hand to hand fight with an enemy) “What’s the matter? Are you surprised I’m not hurt by that little paper cut you gave me on the arm? I am strong. I don’t go down as easily as the others you’ve faced.”
Word count: 700
Payment: $25 flat rate
Nancy works in the small town of Black Ridge. Employed at the local hardware store, Nancy is friendly and approachable and loves being part of the community. She loves the outdoors and takes great pride in her garden at home, and when she has time, she enjoys carrying out small renovations here and there. She dreams of one day starting her own interior decorating business.
- english
- female young adult
(Catching up with an old acquaintance she hasn’t seen in a while. A little surprised and somewhat curious about why the acquaintance has returned) “I thought I saw you in the crowd at the parade yesterday but figured my eyes must have been playing tricks on me. But that really was you.”
(Concerned when she finds out a good friend who left town several years ago hasn't been heard from since) “Well, I... I always figured that since you left together that Jimmy would have had someone to look after him. He’d fallen on tough times, y’know. Ended up staying at the homeless shelter, and… if he left on his own, that’s a different matter. I hope he’s okay, wherever he is.”
(Urgent, somewhat breathless. She is hurrying on her way to help out with a dire situation as fires rage on a nearby mountain, endangering homes) “A friend of mine - Frank, from the local fire crew - he radioed in just a short while ago. Said that he’d never seen anything like it. Apparently there’s not just one fire up there - it’s more like five or six, all raging at once, and they don’t have the manpower to handle it. Not even close.”
Word count:350
Payment: $25 flat rate
Cordell owns a farm outside the small town of Black Ridge. He regularly offers employment to locals as farmhands and is known to be tough but fair. He has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to drugs and tardiness, and if any of the farmhands fall out of line he is quick to terminate their employment.
Cordell is an upstanding member of the community and helps out with various local charities. He is engaged in several clubs and enjoys socialising in town whenever he gets the chance.
- english
- male senior
(Amused when a former employee claims that Cordell has forgotten the name of one of the old farmhands) “Daniel, I’ve got a mind like a steel trap. I never forget a name. And I can tell you for certain that this ‘Jimmy Jacobs’ character doesn’t exist.”
(Asking for help to move a crate) “Anyway... give me a hand here for a second, will you? Over this way, it won’t take long. Just grab the other end of this crate, huh?”
(Explaining why he is delivering a crate of produce to the homeless shelter) “Oh, the produce? Well, I’m a regular contributor to the homeless shelter, y’see. My way of giving to charity, I guess you could say. Normally I make deliveries every second Sunday, but Susan said she needed an urgent supply drop, so here I am.”
Word count:200
Payment: $25 flat rate
Maddy works as a receptionist in the small town of Black Ridge. She is well organised and polite. She loves watching football, meeting new people, and dreams of one day starting her own business in Black Ridge.
- english
- female adult
(A visitor at reception has asked to be given personal details of one of the staff, which is against policy. Polite but assertive) “Unfortunately I’m not allowed to give out any personal staff details. Hope you understand.”
(Concerned when a visitor advises that some jewellery went missing in the office) “Really? That’s terrible. You... you don’t think someone stole it, do you?”
(A little breathless after an emergency situation arises at her workplace. Somewhat rattled) “Daniel, Amber. I’m so sorry about all of this. We just had a situation here, and... well, I’m still trying to figure out exactly what happened. Ms. Blake seems to have disappeared and I’m not used to running things by myself.”
Word count: 150
Payment: $25 flat rate
Toby is a resident at a shelter in the small town of Black Ridge. He is down on his luck of late, but is optimistic that one day soon he will be able to turn it around. He has just been involved in an odd situation at the shelter, where a stranger appeared and tried to convince Toby that he should follow him to a parked car. The man then fled into the woods. Toby is concerned that he did something wrong and is worried that he might be kicked out of the shelter.
- english
- male adult
(Concerned about why the stranger suddenly ran off) “Do you know why he ran off like that? Seemed like something spooked him good and proper.”
(Answering when asked by an investigator if Toby knew what the stranger wanted) “No. Just told me it was urgent. Like I said, I assumed I’d done something wrong. I mean... I’ve tried to follow all the rules since I got here, but... I figured I must have messed up somehow. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
(Embarrassed, a little regretful. Still thinking that he’s the one at fault) “If you see Ms. Blake, tell her... well, tell her I’m sorry if I did something.”
Public Submissions