Warriors Cats: Into The Wild: Graphic Novel
RedHeartWolfyy for Firestar (Main)

Firestar is a bright flame-colored tabby tom with emerald-green eyes.
Firestar was a leader of Thunderclan in the forest and the lake territories. He was born to Jake and Nutmeg, and lived as a kittypet named Rusty. He joined ThunderClan as an apprentice, receiving the name of Firepaw, and was mentored by Lionheart and Tigerclaw before being assigned to Bluestar. Fireheart earned his warrior name, and ascended to deputyship after Tigerclaw's banishment. He also mentored Cinderpelt before her injury, his nephew, Cloudtail, and Tigerclaw's son, Brambleclaw. After Bluestar's death, he rose to leader as Firestar appointing Whitestorm as his second-in-command. He later passed the role to Graystripe upon the white deputy's death during the battle against Bloodclan, and defeated Scourge. Firestar became mates with Sandstorm, and they went on a journey to rebuild Skyclan. They were successful, and upon their return, had two daughters together: Leafpool and Squirelflight.
- male adult
- male child
- male teen
They'll fight harder. My warriors have only one life to lose and they are willing to give it up for their Clanmates. I'm no different. My place is beside them.
I know. But make sure you're getting enough prey and rest, and remember...the final responsibility is mine. You don't hold the whole Clan in your paws. I just need you to do what you can. I'll take care of the rest
Strength doesn't have to be proved

Thank you for auditioning when I choose the voice actors is in July so good luck!

Congrats Red you have been chosen for the role of Firestar, although you need to friend me on discord so you can get your lines!