Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call
FoxyGalactic for Himiko Yumeno

Himiko Yumeno is a character of Danganronpa: V3, and her title is the Ultimate Magician, but she dubs herself as the Ultimate Mage. Due to the teachings by her master, she believes the magic tricks she performs is legitimate magic… despite being only seen performing “ordinary” or typical stage magic tricks. But when people point it out or say magic isn’t real, she tends to become pouty and annoyed and claims that her “tricks” are actual magic. But when pressed to perform “real” magic as she claims, she tends to back down and claim she’s low on MP or manna. Despite being really gung-ho about her beliefs in magic, Himiko is quite lazy and slouchy, constantly seemingly tired/disinterested in everything that doesn’t involve magic, and refuses to do work because it’s “such a pain.” In some ways, she’s meant to be an opposite of Tenko, who is very infatuated with her, much to Himiko’s discomfort at first. But with the help of both Angie and Tenko, they begin to help her and say it’s completely okay to express her emotions and finding a way to stay motivated during the tough times, Himiko eventually begins to become more sure of herself, and opens up more to her classmates and more willing to participate in activities she’d probably try to ignore before.
Himiko is one of the last few V3 students to fall into despair. By this point, she’s been very lonely since the people she’d usually hang around - Angie, Tenko, and Shuichi to a lesser degree - have been avoiding her or have spent more time with Junko. Though Himiko tried her hardest to try and not let them ignoring her get too into her head and she tried her hardest not to care and think to herself she’d be better off alone and without them, the worries and thoughts began to bubble up more and more, and it eventually would mess with her mind. She didn’t want to have those thoughts, but the more time she spent alone, the more the apathy, nothingness, and apathy began to sink in and warp her. And once that set in, so did the despair. And Junko, the manipulative witch she is, swooped in to her rescue. As a remnant, she no longer thinks of herself as a magician.. But more of an evil sorceress, claiming her magic is part of the reason why this world is now in utter disarray. I also like to think she begins to look into darker practices in order to “power up her manna,” and maybe even perform magic shows with “audience participation” and working in a similar manner to the shows Ibuki and Saionji would put on when they were despairs.
Only thing to note is that Himiko tends to speak at a slow pace - it doesn’t have to be overly drawn out, but just enough that could be able to encapsulate her lazy, mysterious, and somewhat laid back personality.
Voices for Reference (Eng): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCULb0nevB8
Voices for Reference (Jpn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4GFMaS-HDg
More info as a Remnant: https://www.tumblr.com/spittyfishy/tagged/remnant%20Himiko- english
- female teen
- female child
- female young adult
(Somewhat low and sinister) “Nyeh… I wouldn’t advise a young defenseless commoner like you to sneak around in mysterious and unknown places like my Witch’s Lair… otherwise, you could end up with a disastrous and despairing curse that’ll never escape you for the rest of your eternally despairing lifes…”
(Depressed, somewhat mournful) (sigh) “What’s the point… with our lead sorceress Junko no longer here in the world of the living… what is there to do anymore…” (another deep sigh, and sounding the slightest more hopeful) “Ah… maybe by spreading my magic to the world… I can carry on lead sorceress Junko’s legacy…”
(A 15-30 second clip of a progressing despairing giggle/laugh!)