The Lost Souls of the West - Episode 1 (Audio Drama)
Late to Zs for Sheriff Randell - Minor Character
The Sheriff of the Town of Stillwater, when it comes to fighting; Randell tends to be a coward, having his deputies go first. He soon seals his fate when he attempts to cross the one known as Viper.
- male adult
Scene 3 [Annoyed] “We have a rule of no fighting in the saloon....” “Take them to Doctor Miller’s; I’m sure he’d be thrilled to have more patients.” [Angered] “Lady, you crossed the line this time...” [Pause] “I want you and your friend here to leave town by sunset and never return.” [Pause] “And if we catch you here again, we’ll string you up high for everyone else to see!”
Scene 4 [Panicked] “I ain’t dying in this town” [Shocked/Surprised] “Viper...!” [Pause] “I-I see that you are safe... that’s good to hear! I heard that the Pinkerton’s surrounded the hotel...” [Stuttering/Scared] “Me!? I would never do such a thing like that!” [Pause] “Why would I want any Pinkerton’s in my town!?” [Nervous] “Care for a drink?”
Scene 4 [Screams of Agony] [Pleading/In Pain] “W-We can talk this out!” [Pause] “This could be a message to the Pinkertons: this town won’t ever deal with them again!”