League of Legends - Custom Voice (Pulsefire Ekko and Ezreal)

Kulmann for Pulsefire Ekko

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pulsefire Ekko
Paid: Flat Rate 80 USD
Role assigned to: Noflers

Lead role. In this skin, Ekko is a fugitive running from the Rememberancers, who are essentially "time police" trying to stop criminals from breaking tlme and causing paradoxes. He's created a "Chronobreak" device using stolen Rememberancer tech which lets him merge timelines and create specific conditions without causing a paradox.

He's intelligent and generally calm but also a little snarky, though he'll let his walls down every now and then to crack a joke or play some air guitar. He'll be talking to Pulsefire Ezreal over an earpiece. The two of them are in the beginning stages of their romantic relationship, made difficult by the fact that they are both on the run and both terrible at expressing themselves in healthy ways.

Voice sample (try to match as closely as possible): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvSsrSn0Csc

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american
  • It’s only when you have all the time in the world that you realize there’s no time for what really matters.

  • If the Rememberancers didn’t want their stuff to be modified, why’d they make it so modifiable? Their fault, not mine.

  • You cause the problem and then call yourselves heroes for trying to solve it. Sounds familiar.

League of Legends - Custom Voice (Pulsefire Ekko and Ezreal)
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