Genshin World Quest Fandubs - Jeht Series
Phoenix/KoKi for Benben
A...minor(?) role throughout the Golden Slumber quest series.
Benben is a mysterious mechanical construct found in the ruins at Abdju Pit, which were part of King Deshret's ancient civilization. Unlike other Primal Constructs found within the ruins, it is not hostile to outsiders it encounters in the ruins, nor does it possess any visible combat accessories. It is even capable of rudimentary communication, though not in a verbally understandable form.
Literally the only word in its dialogue is "beep" but with varying emotional range. I fully expect everyone to say "beep" in their auditions unless you want to be creative with your sounds. Have fun with this one!
- androgynous
(trying to gently get the groups attention, basically "Hey...") Beep... Beep...
(basically "Yup, I can help. Watch!") Bee-eep. Beep!
(explaining what it was saying to a creative) Beep... Beep-boop, beep, bee-eep! Beep beep... Beep!