The Boris Blobinski Show - Episode 04
kelseypoppen for Gale Turten

Gale is the proprietor of Ridgefin Golf Course and runs the onsite rental shop. Despite her gruff eyepatched exterior, she's
quite pleasant to be around and is eager to provide the best golfing experience to all her patrons.
Suggested reference: I imagine she'd work well with a southern accent (leaning on Georgian or Tidewater), or a crackly voice similar to Marge Simpson. Please feel free to do a completely different take outside of these!
- english
- female senior
- animation/character
[Boris: Good to see you too Gale! How's business these days?] I’d say it’s been pretty good, all things considered. How can I help you fine gentlemen?
[Laughs] Well I see somebody's happy to be here!
[In a suspecting tone] Maybe it’s just my bad eyesight, but you look a bit like that missin’ fella in the picture. You two related at all?