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MCChuckWriting for Assistant Proofreaders/Writers
Send Any Writing Experience You Have
*Say something you think would fit*
I appreciate you taking the time to audition for the project, as it means the world to me.
Based on the experience in which you have provided, I don't think your style fits what I'm looking for.
That being said, however, my advice to you would be to keep chasing your dreams, and keeping building up your experiences. Who knows, maybe there will be something down the road that will fit you perfectly. You just gotta keep beliveing in your self and your abilities, and you'll get to exactly where you want to go. I just know it.
Dune Jones
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I completely understand that my style of writing doesn't fit with what you are looking for and that isn't a problem at all. I really appreciate the kind words of encouragement and I really hope that everything with your project goes well for you! Good luck on it!