Tactics Black Game Trailer
Richard Gibson for Tarth (40s male) [Main Character]
Amount of Voice Lines Needed: ~7-9 lines total (the long sample line is ~25% of the total)
Characterization: The main character of the game and the primary speaking role in this trailer. He is a man beaten down by the world, who has been disillusioned and disappointed both with the world and with himself, who has suffered great loss, yet who still maintains the flicker of an inner hope for a better future. He is depressive and prone to dark moods.
Voice Info: Should have a weathered voice - the type that makes you say 'this guys sounds like he's seen some shit.' The letter segments should be read in a somewhat more detached way
- male senior
- male adult
[Excerpt from his letter, wistful] "I sometimes think of the human race as it once was, when we were beautiful and all-mighty. How in our moment of greatest triumph, we were struck down, so completely, and so randomly, it was as if the universe was laughing at us, and saying, "aaaaaall of that, was a fantasy, that I will now take away from you."
[Responding to a heavy offer. With subdued conviction] "I accept."
[Field command to troops. Yelling or nearly yelling. With Force] "All units forward!" [Even more force. Frantic not to lose the opportunity] "Break their lines! Break them!"