Lucidus Somnia Season 2
Michael Suggs for Joshua
Joshua, an enigmatic and captivating figure, is the charismatic leader of a religious community. At times he is condescending and sinister, while at other times, he’s loving and compassionate. This character could have a Texas accent but one that is subtle and natural and not played for laughs.
- english
- male adult
- general north american english
- south texan
(Speaking to his community on a stage) My dear friends, on this day of independence, I want to talk to you about the hypocrisy of freedom. You see, you've all been sold a lie. All your lives, you were told that freedom means the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want. “Unalienable rights” is what they call it.
(having a conversation with one of his community members) Claire, this is a community where we live our lives without judgment. Your salvation is not based on whom you convince to serve the Lord. Saving everyone isn’t your responsibility. Our job is to find the people who want to be here...not change the minds of those who don’t.