Ben 10 - Summer Ends (Minecraft Animation)
SlipperyCondor for Four Arms
Voice Actor
Four Arms
Role assigned to:
Description: Four Arms is just an alien that Ben can transform into, so refer to Ben's audition description for personality traits. However, Ben does try to put on a more macho vibe when it comes to Four Arms so also consider that as well in your audition.
Voice Type: Mid-Low Pitch, Gravelly, Rough
- english
Voice description:
- Rough
- animation/character
- television
- Gravelly
- male adult
Other info:
- audacity
- adobe audition
- amateur audio editing
Stay here, Gwen. (angry) I’ll handle this!
(witty) Did you forget? (sounding out) “Four arms”?
(to Max and Gwen, witty)I’ll take care of crab legs over there. (serious, genuine)Think you two can handle SixSix?
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