Project: ESCAPE - Round Two
kelseypoppen for Lily

Voice: Timid, young, ever so slight 'nerdy' inflection
The most timid member of the group. Which is really saying something when she has Kevin and Trevor to compete with. Skittish and perpetually on the verge of tears, she hasn't taken well to her baffling surroundings at all.
Once calmed--which is easier said than done--Lily demonstrates herself to be a girl of keen intellect and insight, able to spot things the others may have missed, and piece together puzzles that are stumping everyone else.
Her large, shiny doe eyes do wonders to disarm those around her and instill a desire to protect her from harm. Surely not on purpose though, right...?
- english
- female young adult
- timid
- young
- nerdy
"A...awawa... I'm...*hic*...L-Lily... And...I just...*hic*...want to go home already!" -- (DIRECTIONS: Still fairly shaky and panicky as she first meets everyone, introducing herself amid a sobbing fit before breaking down at the end after trying to keep herself together long enough for introductions and failing.)
"Oh... Thank you, eh-heh... I-I appreciate it... Sorry to be such a bother..." -- (DIRECTIONS: Having calmed down considerably now, shyly thanking someone for their aid, embarrassed that they had to help her to begin with and feeling as though she's dragging the team down at the end.)
"Well...u-uhm...think about it this way... What if each of the letters here matches up with a number? Does...does that make sense? Sorry...I could be wrong... Just ignore me..." -- (DIRECTIONS: Nervously giving aid during a puzzle, despite feeling as though she knows the answer to it, her lack of confidence prevents her from committing to the answer and only giving vague hints before wavering.)