Curse of the Dead Gods: Codex
Juan Kruuse for Pablo Cordoba
Pablo Cordoba is one of the few who entered the temple not on purpose but instead by bad luck. Once he was inside the temple he fell into the trap of the Gods of Wonder and Pain. I pictured him as a native to the area and had heard the myths of the Gods through Folk-lore.
There are a few Mesoamerican names he will speak. I have put the most accurate pronunciations I could find, but if you know of how else they could be pronounced, go for it.
Xbeltz'aloc – (Sh Elz A-lok)
T'amok' - (Ta-Mok)
Yaatz – (Ya-Tz)
Sich'al – (Si - Chal)
- english
- male adult
- spanish (mexican)
Sich'al and I could never find common ground. She knew everything. I knew nothing.
Those who followed Yaatz had a confident sense of humor. You either laughed when they joked, or you died.
Xbeltz'aloc spoke to me of the virgin widows of the Jaguar God, T'amok'. How they moaned when he killed their husband's champions. How they lament for their lives sacrificed for nothing.