MOF_VA for Atticus

British accent, mature and sophisticated tone, soft but bold voice with a commanding presence, until chaos presents itself and sends him into confusion. Very sharply says "Doctor Cres". Hisses through gritted teeth when frustrated, shouts britishly when angry. Character is transmasculine.
- english
- aristocratic british
- male young adult
(composed, but commanding) "Chaos has no place in the world, and especially not in the ETA. We are here to restore order and protect the world from Romav's influence."
(irritated, on his last nerve) "You know what, I'm done. I'm going to take a walk and try to calm down before I do something I regret."
(angrily confused) "I'm sorry, but could you please explain to me how you think swinging from the chandelier is a good idea in any context?"

Your delivery of the lines was astounding! Sadly the voice itself wasn't what I was looking for, but I adore your abilities and I hope you stick around for future opportunities.